Thursday, 20 December 2012

Shaving Tips for Sensitive Skin

Those who suffer from sensitive skin are likely to be feeling the pinch more than ever at this time of year. The cold snap often serves to only intensify the suffering that the sensitive skinned are forced to face. This can make shaving a painful chore to carry out in front of a frosting mirror every morning. However, with a little care and a sprinkling of know-how, shaving with a wince and a grimace can become a thing of the past. You will now longer have to visit your Barber Shop for a close shave that will not bring a tear to your eye.

Invest in Shaving Soap

The vast majority of shaving cream from cans is just lubricating fluff. Men with sensitive skin require a thick, wholesome lather to protect and nourish the skin. A bar of shaving soap when combined with a sprinkling of water can produce this effective lather. Using shaving soap bars that contain only natural ingredients from The Body Shop can help soothe the skin during a shave.

Exfoliate and Clean the Face before a Shave

Taking a hot shower can help rid the face of dead skin cells and softens the hair. A quality face scrub will get any excess dead skin from the face. This will make the shave a lot smoother and reduce the irritation. An easier shave will lead to a far pleasant shave and a smoother end result. +King Barber Shop & Hairdresser 

Perfect your Technique

You may be forced to forget the lessons that your father taught you as a 14 year old in front of the bathroom mirror. It is time to perfect a shaving technique tailored to sensitive skin. After leaving the shower, fill the sink with water. Then proceed to wet your shaving brush and face. Work up a good lather and apply to the face. Use downward razor strokes and rinse the razor between each stroke. Always save the neck until last as that is where the hairs are coarsest and need to most softening from the lather.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Personalised Movember Styles

We are now approaching the half-way mark of Movember. Those budding moustaches are hopefully starting to blossom and display their own unique personalities and characteristics. It is at this point that the moustache grower must start to seriously consider which style his moustache undertakes. For many, Movember is the first time they will grow a full moustache and will not be schooled in the art of moustache care. Here is a guide for a few simple but effective moustache styles for all appearances.


Simple, bold and masculine; the Chevron moustache (affectionately known as the Magnum P.I) is the height of macho looks. Crafting the Chevron is effortless; simply trim any stray or unwanted hairs and comb downwards. Due to its ever-presence on the eponymous detective’s lip; the Chevron has an unfaltering effect on middle aged women. There is also a very good chance your dad tried to grow so you can ask him for tips.


The blonde moustache grower is often a troubled man; so few of history’s great moustachioed men have had fair hair. Until one Hulk Hogan made the Handlebar moustache the proud property of the blondes. So iconic; enter any Barber Shop in Birmingham or any other city in the country with a blonde Handlebar and you will treated with the greatest reverence. Excess bushiness is not an issue with the Hulk, simply shave into the shape and let the ‘tache do the talking.

Dark Skinned

Dark skinned men are commonly blessed with dark facial hair. Whilst this may a problem when attempting to create the clean shaven look; moustache growth benefits greatly. Take advantage of this blessing with the Pencil moustache. The Pencil is an impossible feat for many, many men. The Pencil requires the steady hand and professionalism most commonly found in the Barber Shop. One slip from an inexperience hand and the whole moustache is gone.

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Top Tips for Maintaining that Movember Moustache

For the whole of November: men across the UK and the rest of the world will be letting their moustaches grow and their support show. The main noble aim of Movember may be to raise money and attention for prostate and testicular cancer and support those suffering from it; but this does not mean that you cannot look good whilst doing it. For many men this will be the first time they have allowed the hair on their upper lip to grow past the length of a couple of days’ stubble. This presents certain grooming problems due to inexperience. Here are a few tips for maintaining a well-shaped and attractive moustache.

Visiting your Barber Shop on a regular basis during the month will help maintain a good shape to your moustache. Inexperienced moustache growers may find the intricate shaping and shaving troublesome in a mirror. The artists Kings Barber Shop in Birmingham are especially skilled in the fine art of moustache care. Whichever style you are going for, this Hairdresser in Birmingham like many around the country can cater for your needs.

Stock up on styling products. This is especially necessary if you are having an especially stylised moustache. The Poirot and the Dali require constant attention and care to avoid drooping and loss of shape. Small moustache combs can be bought to produce excellent results.

When times are tough during Movember it is vitally important to surround yourself with fellow moustachioed friends. The support that you will receive from fellow moustache growers will help encourage you along the way. These friends can also help provide invaluable style tips if your chosen moustache is not working out as well as planned. Offer your own advice and support as well to really feel an integral part of this valuable moustache community.

Most importantly, wear the moustache with pride. After all you're doing a brilliant thing in helping to contribute towards great charitable work. If an obnoxious teenager mocks your paltry effort; just lift your head and remind yourself that you are serving a greater purpose by growing this moustache.