For the whole of November: men across the UK and the rest of
the world will be letting their moustaches grow and their support show. The
main noble aim of Movember may be to raise money and attention for prostate and
testicular cancer and support those suffering from it; but this does not mean
that you cannot look good whilst doing it. For many men this will be the first
time they have allowed the hair on their upper lip to grow past the length of a
couple of days’ stubble. This presents certain grooming problems due to
inexperience. Here are a few tips for maintaining a well-shaped and attractive
Visiting your Barber Shop on a regular basis during the month
will help maintain a good shape to your moustache. Inexperienced moustache
growers may find the intricate shaping and shaving troublesome in a mirror. The
artists Kings Barber Shop in Birmingham are especially skilled in the fine art
of moustache care. Whichever style you are going for, this Hairdresser in Birmingham like many around the country can cater for your needs.
Stock up on styling products. This is especially necessary
if you are having an especially stylised moustache. The Poirot and the Dali require
constant attention and care to avoid drooping and loss of shape. Small
moustache combs can be bought to produce excellent results.
When times are tough during Movember it is vitally important
to surround yourself with fellow moustachioed friends. The support that you
will receive from fellow moustache growers will help encourage you along the
way. These friends can also help provide invaluable style tips if your chosen moustache
is not working out as well as planned. Offer your own advice and support as
well to really feel an integral part of this valuable moustache community.
Most importantly, wear the moustache with pride. After all you're doing a brilliant thing in helping to contribute towards great
charitable work. If an obnoxious teenager mocks your paltry effort; just lift
your head and remind yourself that you are serving a greater purpose by growing
this moustache.
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